Hearing and Audiology News

What is the link between dementia and hearing loss?

What is the link between dementia and hearing loss?

According to Alzheimer’s Research UK, there are 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK today. The condition is a problem that is set to worsen in the coming years with over one million sufferers predicted by 2025. There are many factors  that can increase the...

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What is age-related hearing loss?

What is age-related hearing loss?

If you have ever had problems with your hearing, you will have heard about age-related hearing loss. After all, age is the main cause of hearing loss in the UK. But what does it mean and how does age affect hearing? Age-related hearing loss As you get older, it’s...

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Tinnitus, the big problem for DJs

Tinnitus, the big problem for DJs

Tinnitus can affect anyone, but for a performer who spends most nights in loud environments, the likelihood of developing the hearing problem increases. As we’re sure you know, after going to a dance club or music concert, it’s likely that you will leave the venue...

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No protection results in hearing loss for Belgian PM

No protection results in hearing loss for Belgian PM

Hearing problems can become apparent through years of wear and tear. With age being the most common cause of hearing loss, problems are usually gradual and are influenced by decisions made over the years. However, although less common, hearing loss can come about...

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Changes that will immediately improve your hearing health

Changes that will immediately improve your hearing health

There are more than 11 million people in the UK with hearing loss and Action on Hearing Loss estimate that the number will rise to 15.6 million by 2035. Anyone suffering from hearing loss is in good company, but if something can be done about it, most will choose to...

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Hearing problems when flying

Hearing problems when flying

We’ve previously spoken about the precautions that should be made when you’re on your summer holidays. From maintaining and using your hearing aid abroad, to ear protection when swimming. But what about when travelling to your holiday destination? Ear discomfort is an...

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Celebrating Deaf Awareness Week 2017

Celebrating Deaf Awareness Week 2017

2017 is the 11th Deaf Awareness Week. We’re aiming to use the week to spread as much awareness as possible about the signs and steps to take when dealing with hearing loss. Deaf Awareness Week is a national event that runs to highlight the impact and needs of those...

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Watch out for swimmer’s ear this summer

Watch out for swimmer’s ear this summer

Summer is on its way and that means lots of fun in the pool. Unfortunately, all this time spent in the sea and pool can lead to ear infections. Cases of swimmer’s ear typically increase through the summer months because of summer holidays. You or your child may have...

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What does sensorineural hearing loss mean?

What does sensorineural hearing loss mean?

Hearing loss can be caused by a number of factors but in general terms, there are two types of hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural. In this article, we’ll be focusing on sensorineural hearing loss. If you or a family member has been told that they have...

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Hearing loss linked with fatigue

Hearing loss linked with fatigue

If you suffer from hearing loss or strain your hearing to make sense of conversations, you may find yourself low on energy. The body exerts extra energy to compensate when you have a hearing deficit and this can leave those with untreated hearing withdrawn and low on...

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