Outer ear infections differ from inner ear infections.  Helpfully, you are usually able to see their symptoms, as well as experiencing non-visible warning signs in the form of pain or inflammation.

These types of ear infections can affect both ears and become a recurring problem, particularly if your immune system is compromised due to illness, fatigue or stress.

Outer ear infection symptoms

Symptoms of outer ear infections can include:

  • Itching or irritation inside your ear
  • Dry or cracked skin around your ear
  • Swelling in your ear
  • Discharge coming from your ear
  • Pain in your ear
  • Your ear is painful to touch
  • Redness in your ear
  • Noticeable hearing loss
  • Feeling as though your ear is blocked
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Pain spreading across your face from your ear
  • A high temperature

Symptoms of outer ear infections in young children

If you have a child who is not old enough to be able to tell you that their ear hurts, there are some signs that you should look out for, in case they’re indicative of an outer ear infection:

  • If your child tugs or scratches their ear
  • If your child suddenly has trouble balancing
  • If your child doesn’t appear to hear you when they usually would
  • If your child is uncomfortable resting their head on one side

What causes outer ear infections?

Common causes of outer ear infections include:

  • Swimming (especially in open water such as lakes)
  • Using cotton buds or swabs
  • Excessive ear wax
  • Scratching the skin in or around your ear
  • Sensitivity to chemicals like hair products
  • Skin allergies

Treating an outer ear infection

Following treatment from a hearing specialist, outer ear infections can cease to be painful in as little as 24 hours and will usually clear up completely within a week.

As well as various types of treatment for outer ear infections, it is possible to take preventative action for example, by wearing ear plugs when swimming.

To speak to one of our hearing specialists about outer ear infections, call us on 0116 254 3909.